Carmabylon Website & Cover Artwork



Identity, website and cover artwork for the 2024 EP by Swiss musician Carmabylon, including 3D renderings of her new logo.

UX / UI Design
Graphic Design
Web Development
UX / UI Design
Graphic Design
Web Development

Single and EP Artwork

Carmabylon had a very strong vision of what she wanted the visual look of her upcoming EP to be: cool, fresh, a little surreal, a marriage of real life and virtual reality to represent the way she mixes genres, styles and languages in her music.

I helped her to clearly define her visual identity, and assisted on styling and posing during the photoshoots she did with Christopher Alexander, to ensure the photographic material we produced would fit the graphic design style she wanted for her single and EP covers.

I created a 3D rendering of her logo, designer by Alan Romano, along with other 3D rendered elements like tentacles and song titles, and using these (along with the photography by Christopher Alexander) designed all the artwork for her singles and EP released between August 2023 and June 2024.


Carmabylon previously did not have a website, so first I created a simple landing page (first image below)– a sort of teaser of things to come – using only image assets she already had, as we were still in the planning stages of the photoshoot for new material. Utilizing the fonts and graphic elements we choose for her visual identity helped freshen up the old imagery to bridge the time it took me to build the full website.

The full website (view the video below or the live site here) I build is just like Carmabylon: loud, playful and a little unpredictable. Featuring a bright color palette, a CMS gig section inspired by the music production program Ableton, and a strange shark-squirrel creature, her website communicates her newest releases & upcoming concerts, hosts press articles, and showcases her approach to vocal coaching.

The artist has access to edit her site and can add gigs, press articles and releases on her own, giving her the freedom and flexibility to really use her website as a communication platform, without having to go through me or adjust to my schedule.

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Social Media Assets

The artist also requested a social media template she can use to create posts featuring some of her FINTA peers on Instagram. From hand sketched lettering to a 3D render, I assembled a template for her to use in a shared figma file and taught her how to use figma to create her social posts, which she then did on her own.

Collaborators & Credits

Collaborators & Credits

Photography by Christopher Alexander

Wordmark logo designed by Alan Romano

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