Embroidered Badge

written by
nina britschgi
November 11, 2012

Embroidered Badge

written by
nina britschgi
November 11, 2012
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I've been wanting to try embroidery for a while, and this past weekend I finally went for it. I had ordered some transfers and a transfer pen from sublime stitching about a year ago, and finally got to use the pen! I drew a design on paper and transferred it onto a piece of muslin using my iron.

I had the idea to embroider made up "badges" a couple of years ago, and found my first attempts from back then on Saturday, which gave me an idea: I could use embroidery to make headpieces, shoulder pieces or even "customer loyalty badges". I love when small online shops come up with cute ideas to surprise me when I order something, and it's something I want to do too. I'll have to see how fast I can make these badges, and if it makes sense financially, and if people even like them, but for now it's a nice, portable way to practice embroidery.


I used the split stitch, the herringbone stitch, the stem stitch, french knots, the back stitch and what I guess is called a basic filling stitch? And small golden beads of course!

The design was art deco inspired, especially the top triangle and the rounded V's, although I think the softness of the embroidery kind of breaks the art-deco-ness of it. I like it though! Who knows, maybe I'll make a bunch of these, and then fill a mock-military-jacket with all of my badges :)
